About Foxtail Plan Co
Our mission is designing a home you’ll love — with a simple, affordable, and fun purchase process. Our designs are fresh, smart, and approachable — simple to build from, and easy to customize. Our team brings 20 years of design-build expertise into creating home floor plans you’ll love.

Fresh, thoughtful floor plans
Stress-free, affordable,
and online purchase process
Easy (and fun) options
to customize your plan
Our Philosophy

People appreciate good design, and want more character and detail than they can get in a stock plan, but can’t always afford the cost or the time involvement required in a completely custom design… Foxtail Plan Co was born out of a desire to fill that need.
We are passionate about making great design available to everyone and turning the trend from boring, generic mega-houses to homes with more style, integrity and soul. Each one of our complete plans is created with you, the homeowner, as the primary focus of the design. Our designs are beautiful, functional, and have a custom, personal feel without the custom price tag or process.
As a company, we value real relationship. We care about your hopes and dreams for home ownership, and we are here for you throughout the process of exploring, choosing, and customizing your dream home floor plan.
Meet the Owner, Kevin Galyen

“Growing up the son of a builder, many of my childhood summer days were spent at construction sites imagining what I could create out of the treasures I’d find searching through the scrap woodpiles. Once home, I’d turn to pencil and paper to create my own house plans while my dad worked away at his drafting table.
As I got older, I went to work, learning about the craft of construction from my father’s lifetime of mastery. I’d come home covered in sawdust, paint, or concrete, enjoying the challenge of learning and improving my skills.
Fifteen years ago, inspired by those younger days spent designing and creating, I cofounded a design-build construction company with the mission of designing and building custom homes that our clients would love. Seeing those families fall in love with their homes and thrive in the spaces we created has been such a fulfilling part of my career. And now, Foxtail Plan Co brings all those years of experience to full fruition: we’re creating a simple, affordable, and satisfying path for future homeowners to find, choose, and customize the floor plan of their dreams.”
— Kevin Galyen, Founder and Chief Designer
Follow us on Instagram @foxtailplanco
Ready for your home sweet home?
Foxtail Plan Co is the first step in creating the home of your dreams.
Let’s make it real.